Sunday, April 25, 2010

This Sundays Inserts

Get your 4/25 insert coupons now!

If you're wanting to start a stockpile or are working on building your stockpile, getting multiple coupons to match up with hot sales is the key.  I've also learned that you have to jump on the coupons right when they come out because they go quickly these days.


My Coupon Hunter has posted the coupons that will be in the 3/21 inserts, so you can get them now!  There will be two inserts in this Sunday's paper ~ one Red Plum and one Smartsource.
Here are some codes you can use on the site as well:
HOT - 10% off orders over $5
SHIP - Free shipping on orders over $5 (you can combine this with the code above)
TEN - 10% off orders over $5
PRIORITY - Free shipping on orders over $15
Here are the "hot" coupons I see this week:
$1/1 Land O'Frost Premium lunch meat - expires 7/31/10 - this goes 2/$4 pretty regularly, which means cheap lunch meat!
$.50/1 Mahatma or Water Maid rice - expires 7/31/10 - if your grocery stores double or triple coupons, you should be able to get some pretty cheap rice!
$1/1 McCormick Seasoning Blend, Spice, Herb, Extract, or Food Color - expires 5/23/10 - you should be able to get some of these for free or close to free at Walmart or Target!
$2/1 Nivea for Men Face Care prodcut or $2/2 Nivea shave gel products - expires 6/30/10 - there have been several good sales on Nivea products at CVS/Walgreens lately - paired with a sale and ECBs/RRs, these should be a good deal!
$1/1 Aveeno product - expires 5/31/10 - after a Bzz Campaign and some great Walgreens deals, I am now hooked on this stuff!
$.50/1 Band Aid brand adhesive bandages, expires 6/30/10 - for some reason, there seem to be deals on Band Aids during the summer months - stock up using these coupons!
$1/1 Capri Sun Sunrise product - expires 5/23/10 - my kids love these and they should be less than $1 using this coupon!
$.75/1 Palmolive Pure + Clear or Pure + Caring dish liquid - expires 5/15/10 - I also got hooked on this stuff from a Bzz Campaign!
$2/1 Revlon color cosmetic product - expires 5/30/10 - there are always deals at Walgreens and CVS that you can use with these coupons!
$4/1 Schick Intution Plus razor or refill - expires 6/6/10 - there are always deals on these at Walgreens, CVS, and lately Target, too!
$4/1 Schick Quattro for women razor or refill - expires 6/6/10
$.55/1 Tostitos chips and dip combination - expires 5/26/10 - there should be some good deals on chips and dips with Cinco de Mayo coming up!

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